A Message to Parents and Families
From David W. Hahn, Craig M. Berge Dean, UA College of Engineering
As a parent of two college students myself, I know you are putting the health of your family first, just as we are making the well-being of the Wildcat Engineering family our top priority.
I feel for all the students and families who are dealing with heartbreak, hardship and tremendously difficult decisions. I assure you, the safety of students and the entire college community is our primary concern during these trying times.
College faculty and staff have been working tirelessly since March to ensure students can keep getting a high-quality UA Engineering education in fall 2020. The passion, professionalism and adaptability with which our faculty, staff and students have responded to COVID-19 challenges has been remarkable.
Professors are combining in-person, virtual and hybrid classes to prepare for a range of scenarios and ensure that our students have options. Every effort is being made to be as flexible as possible with course delivery, academic advising, tutoring and other support services.
I am proud to be part of the only academic institution in the country to have a re-entry task force headed by the 17th U.S. surgeon general and with a medical doctor as our university president.
Not only is the college preparing options for quality learning experiences, but also, following well-informed university and national guidelines, we are creating the safest campus environment possible.
Among measures are the following:
- Wearing face coverings indoors and in high-traffic outdoor areas
- Reducing occupancy and rerouting traffic flow in buildings
- Increasing air flow and ventilation in buildings, including air filter upgrades
- Altering classroom seating to allow for greater distancing
- Providing hand sanitizer and disinfectant stations extensively
- Increasing frequency and intensity of cleaning in facilities
- Offering on-campus virus testing, contact tracing, and health and wellness support
Additionally, the university has decided that students will continue their semester from home following the Thanksgiving break. All final exam reviews and testing will be delivered online during this period. Specifics will be discussed in classes at the beginning of the semester.
We look forward to welcoming home your students and being there for them now and throughout their academic journeys.
Please be sure to visit the University of Arizona Coronavirus Information page for the latest university updates.
Most importantly, I hope you and your loved ones stay well.
Bear Down, and take good care!
David W. Hahn
Craig M. Berge Dean and Professor