If It Moves, Mechanical Engineers Can Design, Build and Repair It
Mechanical engineering is about movement and machines, including the human body, the most complex machine. Mechanical engineers need a deep understanding of physics, mathematics and materials to design components ranging in size from cellular matrices for tissue engineering, to cooling systems for hot underground mines, to hardware for military machinery and medical prosthetics.
Academics > Research Opportunities > Outside the Classroom > Career Paths >
UA mechanical engineering researchers are working to make our airplanes safe from lightning strikes, design custom-built prostheses, and build bio-inspired robots.
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Academic Focus Areas
- Solid and Fluid Mechanics
- Thermal Sciences
- Dynamics and Controls
- Nanotechnology
- Mechanical Design
Research Opportunities
UA mechanical engineers are conducting research with biomedical engineers to create soft tissues, implants and prosthetics for patients with heart disease, brain aneurysms and glaucoma. Other research includes developing efficient solar energy systems and fuel cells to create clean energy.
Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Program
Outside the Classroom
UA mechanical engineering students design and build racecars, underwater robotic vehicles, solar airplanes, drones and rockets in student clubs and compete in international competitions.
Students get some of their most valuable experience on their senior design projects, working with mentors and engineering professionals throughout the academic year to design, build and test prototypes for industry and academic sponsors. These projects can launch valuable products and professional careers.
Career Paths
Mechanical engineers are needed in virtually every industry, from automotive, transportation and marine to construction, consumer and utilities, to defense, chemical and medical.