ENGR 498A to be Offered both Fall and Spring semesters!

Starting in January 2024, ENGR 498A will be offered in the Spring semester and the ENGR 498A – ENGR 498B sequence will be offered Spring – Fall as well as the traditional Fall -Spring format. This format will allow students who plan to graduate in December to take additional engineering courses to be well prepared for the capstone experience. If you plan to graduate in the Fall semester, please contact your advisor for registration information and to answer any questions. (Note: the degree programs are reviewing the prerequisites and co-requisites based on this new flexibility.

ENGR 498A Enrollment Requirements (Beginning Fall 2025)

Only UA seniors with advanced standing in the College of Engineering who have met the prerequisite and corequisite requirements for their degree programs can enroll in ENGR 498A.

Undergraduate Degree Program

Prerequisite Course(s)

Corequisite Course(s)*

Aerospace Engineering AME 300, 313, 320  
Biomedical Engineering C or higher in two of: BME 447, BME 310 or BME 330  
Biosystems Engineering   BE 496A
Computer Science & Engineering TBD TBD
Electrical & Computer Engineering ECE 351C, ECE 372A  
Engineering Management SIE 457 SIE 406
Industrial Engineering SIE 383, 370 (SIE 410A or 411), 330R
Materials Science & Engineering MSE 222, 223R, 345, 365  
Mechanical Engineering AME 300, 313, 324B  
Mining Engineering ** MNE 436, MNE 438
Optical Sciences & Engineering OPTI 380B OPTI 306, OPTI 340
Software Engineering SFWE 301, SIE 277 SFWE 403
Systems Engineering SIE 370, 454A (SIE 410A or 411), 330R


ENGR 498A Enrollment Requirements (Through Spring 2025)

Only UA seniors with advanced standing in the College of Engineering who have met the prerequisite and corequisite requirements for their degree programs can enroll in ENGR 498A.

Undergraduate Degree Program

Prerequisite Course(s)

Corequisite Course(s)*

Biomedical Engineering C or higher in two of: BME 447, BME 310 or BME 330  
Biosystems Engineering   BE 496A
Electrical & Computer Engineering ECE 320A ECE 372A
Engineering Management SIE 305 SIE 454A or SIE 457 or SIE 431
Industrial Engineering SIE 305 SIE 410A or SIE 431
Materials Science & Engineering MSE 222, 223R, 345, 365  
Mechanical Engineering Must have completed two of the following three courses:
AME 324B, AME/BME 331, AME 352
Mining Engineering ** MNE 436, MNE 438
Optical Sciences & Engineering OPTI 380A, 380B OPTI 306, OPTI 421, OPTI 471A
Software Engineering SFWE 301, SFWE 302 SFWE 401
Systems Engineering SIE 305 SIE 454A or SIE 457 or SIE 431


*Please note that ENGR 498A Corequisites serve as Prerequisites for ENGR 498B.

** Consultation with Major Advisor required


In addition to the above pre-requisites and co-requisites, students must have completed all lower division course work required for Advanced Standing.
Students whose major GPA is below 2.0 may be required to meet with the Associate Dean of Engineering prior to beginning the class.

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